Sundae is a family pet. He was a rescue adoption by my mother in law as a tiny kitten.
Sundae was a goofy little blue eyed kitten. We spent a lot of time with my mother in law (she was a snow bird at
the time) while she was here. Sundae would sleep on my shoulder and purr for hours.
My mother in law went back up north and took Sundae with her. Eventually, she moved back near us full time and
she brought her cats with her.
Shortly before Sundae came to live with us, he had become ill. We realized that he was in an emergency condition
and we rushed him to the vets office. They had to drain his bladder and they kept him for three days while he could
heal up.
Sundae has been healthy and happy ever since. He is a big boy with a lot of fur.
Sundae is funny too. He learned how to open doors, so we have to keep all the doors locked all the time now. He is a
big cat, but he is silent when he wants to be. My wife and I had been looking around for him more than once only to
discover him sitting right in plain view, just looking at us... looking for him.