Feel free to contact me at ray@rayhayden.us with any questions or comments you might have.
My email address changed, I am making the correction in all these pages, ray@rayhayden.us is correct, long story
on why I let the vdo1.us site expire...
OK - I get more hits on this page than any other in the denture website... so, I have to inform you all that this is a
"bloody" page. As these shots are taken right after teeth extractions - you could see WHY they are! The point I feel I
MUST explain is that all extractions to date (but for one) have been totally painless! I don't want someone who thinks
they might get dentures to see this page and freak out!
It is vital for me to let you all know that my dentist has removed all the teeth you see (or don't see!) here with my only
having pain during the extraction on one tooth (ironically - tooth 13, my lucky number at that!). He sensed my discomfort
and immediately took measures to fix the situation so that it was not a problem.
So please, if your thinking about NOT getting dentures because of these shots - email me and ask me about the
process - it was nearly totally painless!
This shot is after the first round of extractions. On the upper left of my mouth, (right in the picture), Doc
removed the rear three teeth. You can see the stitches are still in place in this shot. The following day, I
had my wife remove the stitches.
This is the first of the bloody shots! The most significant things here are that Doc removed first the
rear two, then the next closest three teeth during the same week -- my idea as I wanted to move things
You can see the healing that has happened on the right side of the photo from the earlier extractions. I
removed the stitches that you see here myself... it is painless, but you must be careful with those little
scissors -- I'd advise to let the pro do it. This picture is the day AFTER the final extractions. The first
day, you must wear the immediate denture as it acts like a bandage to assist in healing. Doc made
some immediate adjustments to the denture for comfort. The major thing was some gagging I had, but
the teeth looked great!
This shot is just a slightly different angle. Most significant is to note the healing that has taken place so
far... so far, so good!
28 July 2003 - Went into see the Doc to begin the lower extractions. I took this picture
right after I got home from the extraction, I gently rinsed my mouth with water, but some light bleeding still
was going on. As with nearly every picture in this website, if you click on the photo, you get the very large original
shot. I go back on Thursday for extractions on the other side.
I tried to get three teeth extracted on this trip, but due to a bleeding problem (due to taking aspirin for
headaches last week) Doc could only get two teeth before stitching me up and making me hang out
until he was sure I was OK to leave. I go back on 8/11/2003 to get one root (that remained) and this
third tooth out. Then we let my gums heal up, take impressions and do a wax try in before extracting
the remaining teeth and getting that immediate denture. You can see how much the other side healed
in one week here.
The final lower extraction picture was never taken. I might update the page with healed shots later on.
My upper and lower gums are mostly healed now (6 January 2004). But shots of healed gums you can
see all over the Internet on many great websites. I am going to link some cool sites on a links page as
soon as I get some of those that I found helpful to me, some are actually gone now, but a couple are
still around I am sure.
To spill the beans now - for those of you who have been quite patient with me, I still have the upper six
front teeth! For this site - which I thought I might set up at the time, I asked to keep my front six upper
teeth. I also have one of the molar type teeth that Doc pulled a while back. That one grew together and
the bone went right through the "hole" that the roots created as the tooth grew. It must have been
interesting for Doc to get that one out!
Anyway, I am going to take some pictures of those and put them on the site on the extractions page in
a week or so - keep checking back for that. I will let the typical websites in Yahoo Groups know when I
fully updated the site with additional pictures!