A note about all of these images, if you click the image (most of them), you can view the large version of it.
The tooth on a stick is a color sample to see how dark my teeth are prior to undergoing the BriteSmile procedure. This
is during a 2.5 year period where we thought we might be able to save the teeth, or at least try.
The dark upper front right tooth (in the photo) is darker due to a root canal I had as a kid, you can see the hole right
through the tooth. Also notice that the two front top teeth are "notched" out from the lower teeth!
This shot is just after having BriteSmile done! They do get that much brighter! Ironically, the darker they are when you
start out, the whiter they become -- go figure! If your teeth are kinda white already, they don't seem to get all that much
By the way, these three shots are digital pictures of the photo's that my Dentist shot in his office and are kept in my
records. You might note the "scratch" marks just below my two front teeth here in this shot! The difference here is that
Doc fixed up my two front teeth, and lightly evened out the bottom rack of teeth here... my new smile is... not too bad...
Since I now had a good enough smile to smile about, I put on my uniform for the Air Force Auxiliary and took a self
photo. This is the best my smile had ever looked in my life! Below is another example.